Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow Turquoise Trail Drive Slideshow

All Turquoise Trail Stops

Back roads often lead to great discoveries. Venture off the freeway and onto the Turquoise Trail National Scenic Byway, and you'll see what we mean. The Scenic and Historic Area encompasses 15,000 square miles in the heart of central New Mexico, linking Albuquerque and Santa Fe. Enjoy a breathtaking view from atop Sandia Crest, then drive back into history through the mining towns of Golden, Madrid, and Cerrillos, now coming alive with art, crafts, theater, music, museums and restaurants.

East Mountain Historical Society

PO Box 106
Tijeras, NM 87059
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To promote the appreciation and preservation of the history and traditions of the East Mountains.

Tags: Tijeras, Educational

Rancho Gallina Eco-Retreat

31 Bonanza Creek Road
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87508
(505) 438-1871

Hosting vamily and group rentals, events and retreats. www.ranchogallina.com

Tags: By Town

Bernalillo County & City of Albuquerque Open Space

Bernalillo County & City of Albuquerque Open Space offer a dynamic network of properties for recreation near the Turquoise Trail. Open Space areas along or near the Turquoise Trail include: - Carlito Springs - Ojito de San Antonio - Sandia Knolls - Tijeras Creek - City of Albuquerque: East Mountain Open Space

Tags: Tijeras, Cedar Crest, Sandia Park, Biking, For Kids, Hiking, Horseback Riding, Outdoor, Picnic

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KMRD 96.9 FM Madrid Community Radio

Everyday between Jan 1 - Dec 31
Independent, non-commercial, listener-supported, volunteer-run, freeform, community radio from Madrid, NM!
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