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The Turquoise Trail National Scenic Byway Advisory Council completed its work on the original Corridor Management Plan in 1999. The minutes of the SBAC meetings for the 2005/2006 CMP revision will be published on this page as they become available.
Turquoise Trail National Scenic Byway Advisory Council Minutes
Johnsons of Madrid
Meeting was attended by: Carla Ward, Lynn McLane, Larry Valtelhas, Diana Johnson,
Mary Ann Graziano & Pat Brown
Meeting started at 10am.
Announcement: Carla:
1. All grant invoices are due by the middle of August.
2. July 15 news letter is due.
Corridor Management Plan (CMP) review:
1. Chapter 14 Marketing Plan was read aloud. Changes, additions and deletions
were made.
2. Chapter 23 was reviewed with some updates made.
3. Larry suggested that comments be e-mailed to him to update the remaining
CMP chapters currently in work, so that the CMP update can be completed by the
end of June 2006. The remaining chapters are: 15 Economic Development Plan,
16 Tourism Development Plan, and 23 Five Year Plan Projects.
1. October 2006 New Mexico Governors Conference on Tourism: Lynn made suggestions
for different types of breakout sessions, perhaps on fund raising and the “Byway.”
2. Heart of New Mexico: Magazine ad will be continued this year.
3. Web-site: Hosting for Corridor Management Plan will be continued for the
next 3 years.
4. Madrid: Traffic due to filming of movie “Wild Hogs” was discussed.
Decision: Lynn will send an e-mail to make residents and surrounding areas aware
of traffic issues.
Adjourned: 12pm.
Turquoise Trail National Scenic Byway Advisory Council Minutes
Tumbleweeds, Madrid, NM
Attending grant committee members: Lynn McLane, Carla Ward, Diana Johnson, Larry Valtelhas and Patricia Brown.
The Grant committee met to discuss the previous History public lecture held November 12th at Sandia Crest and our dwindling attendance. If we use the same format, there will be 2 more lectures and 3 newsletters to produce. Carla, TTA Treasure, grant coordinator, brought a handout to the table labeled Turquoise Trail Project Budget, with the starting balance of the grant and subtractions from each invoice she has submitted from the grant line items. She has submitted 4 invoices as of Nov 15, 2005.
It was determined that money under line item 1 will be used for grant management, line item 3 for space rental & speaker, line item 8 for Larry, TTA member to put the CMP on the web, his cost $50.00 an hour (time will be over the budget for the project), and under line item 9, we will prepay the Governor’s Conference on Tourism, Ruidoso, scheduled for Oct. 2006.
We will conduct the next public meeting in conjunction with our annual TTA membership meeting because we know there will be good attendance. Lynn, TTA president will invite Laurie Frantz, Scenic Byway Marketing Coordinator from NM Department of Tourism.
It was decided that Patricia, TTA secretary would write newsletter #5 to the
full TTA membership on the Jan 11th meeting to include brief summaries and information
on the general meeting and send Carla the invoice for development and printing
costs. Mary Ann Graziano, TTA member would write newsletter #6 for the history
lecture at Tijeras Ranger Station on Tijeras Pueblo, using current mailing lists
for the southern end of Highway 14 including friends of Tijeras and Talking
Talons, San Pedro Estates Neighborhood Association and perhaps Sandia Park Neighborhood
Lynn, TTA president would write newsletters # 7 on the Cleveland National Scenic
Byway Conference, using reports by the TTA attendees and # 8 on the NM Gov Conference
on Tourism, bill under line item 9 for conferences. Write and edit-$25 hr, research
$15 hr, and formatting $15 hr., send hard copies to the membership, email to
other group lists.
Diana, TTA vice-president, was given some advice and coaching on billing procedure for her invoices that deal with advertisement, meeting locations and guest speaker. Homework given by Larry to update the CMP can be invoiced and billed at $15.00 hr.
Meeting adjourned at 6:00 pm.
Submitted by Patricia Brown
Turquoise Trail National Scenic Byway Advisory Council Minutes (Revised)
Attending: Diana Johnson, Patricia Brown, Mary Ann Graziano, Lynn McLane, Larry Valtelhas, and Carla Ward,
1. Welcome and Introductions -
2. Review of August Minutes - Minutes were approved as presented.
3. Discuss and Review Chapters - Remaining chapters were distributed for review. Deadline for comments and changes is September 24. Carla will begin preparing draft plans to send out for review. The last chapter to be completed is 4 which is the Intrinsic Qualities chapter. Final discussion will be held next month.
4. Tourism Resources - National and Regional Significance
See attached hand-written notes
5. Byway Activities Schedule - Letters of intent for All American Road nomination and FY 2001 grant application are due to Kathy October 15. Grant applications are due January 10, 2000 and the nomination application is due January 17, 2000.
Other Business - Process for Accepting Projects to Submit for Possible Funding
The council discussed having a procedure and policy for submitting projects
to FHWA for funding. It is important for all projects to comply with the corridor
management plan. Debbie will draft a statement and present it at the next meeting
for discussion and action. After approval, it will be included in Chapter 5
of the CMP.
6. Adjourn - The meeting adjourned at 8 pm.
Attendance: Carla Ward, Larry Valtelhas, Elaine O'Neil, Bea Leckman, Fred Leckman, Bradley Bowman,
1. Welcome and Introductions -
2. Review of August Minutes - Minutes were approved as presented.
3. Discuss and Review Chapters - Remaining chapters were distributed for review. Deadline for comments and changes is September 24. Carla will begin preparing draft plans to send out for review. The last chapter to be completed is 4 which is the Intrinsic Qualities chapter. Final discussion will be held next month.
4. Tourism Resources - National and Regional Significance
See attached hand-written notes
5. Byway Activities Schedule - Letters of intent for All American Road nomination and FY 2001 grant application are due to Kathy October 15. Grant applications are due January 10, 2000 and the nomination application is due January 17, 2000.
Other Business - Process for Accepting Projects to Submit
for Possible Funding
The council discussed having a procedure and policy for submitting
projects to FHWA for funding. It is important for all projects
to comply with the corridor management plan. Debbie will draft
a statement and present it at the next meeting for discussion
and action. After approval, it will be included in Chapter 5 of
the CMP.
6. Adjourn - The meeting adjourned at 8 pm.
Turquoise Trail Scenic Byway Advisory Council Minutes
Attendance: Carla Ward, Larry Valtelhas, Elaine O'Neil, Bradley Bowman, Diana Johnson, Mary Bean, Helen Boyce, Walter Wait, William Baxter, Cliff Cato, Ede Cato, Deborah Sweatt, Ann Murray, Linda Dunnill, and Debbie Scott-Graham.
1. Welcome and Introductions -
2. Review of September Minutes - Minutes were approved as presented.
3. Final Corridor Management Plan Review - Some people have turned in comments, and we are still waiting for some. The plan is to have the comp complete and ready for publication by the next (and final) SBAC meeting.
4. Project Policy Discussion - The attached policy was approved unanimously by the council and will be included in chapter 5 of the comp.
5. Current Project Completion Schedule -
The All American nomination is due January 17, 2000
Grant applications for FY 2001 is due January 10, 2000
Tourism Asset Inventory target completion April 2000
6. Other Business - Larry and Mary have a final draft of a letter of support/agreement on the Forest National Scenic Byway.
Walter Wait gave a presentation regarding the development of a master trail system in Santa Fe County. There is $12 million available to purchase open space and develop trails. A committee is trying to link state and federal trails. The trails will be multi-use for non-motorized transportation. Easements will have to be purchased. They will hire a contractor to develop a pre-purchase plan. This group is interested in working with the TTSB, possible coordinating projects and funding. this project could enhance scenic byway projects.
A second presentation was made by Bill Baxter regarding the Cerrillos Hills Park. A Coalition is trying to develop and preserve this historically and archaeologically significant area into a park. At this point there is no access to the area and the Coalition is trying to acquire additional land. Some of the land is owned by the State and BLM. There are approximately 3000 acres involved. This location has the oldest open pit mine in North America.
7. Adjourn - The meeting adjourned at 8 pm.
Attendance: Larry Valtelhas, Elaine O'Neil, Bradley Bowman, Cliff Cato, Ede Cato, Fred Leckman, Ross Ward, Tanya Ward, Patty Brown, Michelle Brown, Heidi Stode, Carlos Kinsey, Harry Simons, Margie Mitchell, and Debbie Scott-Graham.
1. Welcome and Introductions -
2. Review of October Minutes - Minutes were approved as corrected.
3. Approval of Corridor Management Plan - On a motion by Ede and a second from Elaine, the corridor management plan was approved with changes allowing Larry, Debbie and Carla to make final changes to last half of document.
4. FY 2001 Project Discussion - Larry will be responsible for submitting grant applications on behalf of the TTA. possible projects include, marketing, physical interpretation and cooperative projects with the Forest Service.
5. Other Business
State Logo Signs - SBAC voted unanimously to request state logo
signs from Kathy. Debbie will provide some possible locations,
gain a ranking from the TTA board, and submit request letter to
Kathy. Debbie will continue to follow up until signs are installed.
The TTA is acquiring atoll free number for use in answering requests about the Turquoise Trail Scenic Byway.
Debbie reminded members to submit their letters of support for the All American Road nomination to Larry by December 15.
6. Adjourn - The meeting adjourned at 8 pm.